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Education Systems International

Country / region: South Asia

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South America; Latin America; Africa; South Asia; South-East Asia; Eastern Europe; Pacific Rim
The "NORRAG - Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training" presents a project that aims at giving the so-called Global South a voice. With #TheSouthAlsoKnows Project, Education experts from the Global South can network, register for an expert database and publish articles on a wide variety of topics related to education and education policy on [...]

international; Pacific Rim; Africa; South America; Central Asia; South Asia; East Asia; South-East Asia; Australia
The table offered by the Centre for Global Education Monitoring (GEM) provides a systematic overview of key features of international and regional learning assessments.

international; Pacific Rim; Africa; South America; Central Asia; South Asia; East Asia; South-East Asia; Australia
The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) established the GEM Centre in 2013 to develop, document and disseminate models of good practice related to different aspects of education. This includes assessment, as well as other areas of policy and practice that can contribute to improved learning outcomes. The GEM Centre supports the development of educational [...]

Eastern Europe; Europe; East Asia; South-East Asia; Pacific Rim; South Asia; South America; Caribbean; Central Europe; Middle East; North Africa; Africa South of the Sahara; Egypt; Kosovo; Nepal; Syria; China, People's Republic of; Jordan; Azerbaijan
This report is published by the International Labour Organization (ILO). It offers a comparative overview on the labour market situation for young people worldwide. The focus is to detect reasons for youth unemployment and youth poverty inspite of work. One of the principal findings is that a global deficit of decent work opportunities has resulted in a situation in which [...]

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